Friday, October 15, 2010


Ladies and Gentleman from San Jose, California... LONERO

I am already imagining traveling the charms of California and hearing the sound of this guitar it the best fuel for the trip. Do not lose sight ...

There's something to be said for having conviction and dedication for your art in a business that is so watered down that it has become a shallow shell of its former self. LoNero is one of those rare bands that stray away from trends and the beaten path. They are four musicians that got together to create a new genre of instrumental rock, Guitarcore, a genre all their own. So infectious that even those that don't listen to rock find themselves headbanging and foot tapping to their unique brand of Instrumental Guitarcore.

LoNero's debut cd "Relentless" (released with a month long promotion from Apple Computers) is 14 tracks of punishing rhythms, beautiful acoustic and infectious melodies. Built on the principal that the song should always come first, "Relentless" proves that you can still be instrumental and gain a wide and varied fan base without having to follow what others have already done.

Currently, the band is rehearsing and recording their much anticipated new album with Grammy award winning producer Michael Rosen and new band members Marco Bicca (drums) and Brandon Hayes (rhythm guitar). Once complete the band plans to tour and with endorsements/sponsorships from products such as Peavey, EMG, Hot Picks, Seymour Duncan, Dunlop, and Rebel Straps, says Bill Lonero. "I've had the privilege of playing or recording with the likes of Cliff Williams (AC/DC), Simon Kirke (Bad Company), Stu Hamm (Joe Satriani), Gigi Gonaway (Mariah Carey), Mike Mangini (Extreme and Steve Vai) and Polo Jones (Zucchero and Whitney Houston) so I understand what hard work is and am prepared to do what it takes to build our fan base. We love playing live because we can connect with our fans."

"Guitarist Bill Lonero and crew have gear endorsements out the wazoo, promotional help from Apple Computer, two-million MySpace plays, and they claim to have invented "instrumental guitarcore," so you should really hate them. But you can't, because they're just so damn good." Michael Molenda (Editor), Guitar Player Magazine

"I just wanted to type a personal message to you guys to thank you, not only for suggesting I take a listen, but also for the music it is that you are offering to your fans. Too often, I find that I will like a band until the vocals kick in and then that will become my determining factor. However, when your "vocals" kicked in, I was quite pleased. Immediately I saw you guys as a band I would love to have the opportunity to see live and a band that I found I could listen to with my father, which is something I often listen for. My father is a guitar fan and I am a bass fanatic. Thanks again and keep it up guys. I would love to see you in AZ one day! " LadyXorcia, ReverbNation

"There’s quite literally an endless amount of music genres these days, but none focuses more on the talent and melodic power of a guitar than guitarcore. A new term coined by California instrumental guitarist Bill Lonero (whose band LoNero — same name, different spelling — champions the genre)" Jim Dalrymple,

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