Friday, March 30, 2012

Video: André Rodrigues Recording Brutal Morticínio

Brazilians Black Metallers band Brutal Morticínio have posted a new video of drummer "André Rodrigues" recording the song "Evocando os Espíritos Obsessores das Florestas Austrais." " Evoking the Obsessing Spirits of the Austral Forest." The clip can be viewed below.

Originally released in 2008 “Despertar dos chacais; O Outono dos Povos...”  debut album of Brutal Morticínio is officially re released by initiative and partnership of 11 Brasilian seals of the real underground. This is the album that designed the band in the Brasilian underground scene, Featuring themes such as South American pride, the history of conflict and resistance that were erased by the official story. The album runs so harsh, direct and raw as the black metal should be done. 

On the CD there are eight original songs recorded in 2008, in Portuguese and in English,and also it has the bonus tracks "My Soul Is Burning in Hell" (tribute version of Amen Corner) and two unreleased tracks:  “Densas Neblinas das Profundezas” e “Evocando os Espíritos Obsessores das Florestas Austrais”  title track from the upcoming album of the horde.

The CD can be purchased at the below distros.

Anaites Records  - 
Blasphemic Art Distro - 
Cianeto Discos-
Desgraça Records - www.desgraç 
Gore Tomb Records -
Metal Reunion Records - 
Rotten Foetus - 
Turbulation Prods-
Underground Brasil Distro 
Violent Records 

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