Monday, June 4, 2012

"Forsvunnet Filosofem: A Tribute to Burzum Album" RPG World

Forsvunnet filosofem is a tribute worthy of respect in which the participation of names that leave their mark through their art in black metal make of this compilation a work that celebrates burzum energy.

From the first until the last track, the black and magical atmosphere of black metal is evident in a performance full of fantasy that goes back to antiquity as in a war between good and evil, light and darkness, where the blood bath and the smell of death are opposed to hope, to victory, in a dichotomy between the ugly and the beautiful.

Throughout the album we're transported to a fantasy world where darkness is the” light” that illuminates the complex path of that world distanced from the real world, as burzum does shine in their songs

We are immediately drawn to an unknown place in time and space created by the mind into contact with deep melodies, “historical” melodies, where the echo and the demonic voice or the raw noise and the high density of a brutal underground sound makes us plunge into a fog filled with mythical creatures, magical places with incomparable beauty and into a disgusting and evil hell of blood at the same time.

Burzum receives in this tribute an ode to their will, their creation, their lyrical spells, their work.

Review by Pedro Ribeiro

"Forsvunnet Filosofem: A Tribute to Burzum Album"  Tracklist.
1.Symbiosis - Dauði Baldrs 05:56
2.Æþelruna - Ðæt þe Hwilum Wæs; Wearges Leoþe (Det Som Engang Var) 14:37
3.Uruk-Hai - The Crying Ork 01:25
4.Waldschrat - Black Spell of Destruction 06:14
5.Tamerlan - Die Liebe Nerþus 02:50
6.Hrafnblóð - War 02:39
7.Hoyland - Jesus Tod 08:12
8.Vørgum - I Heimr Heljar 03:38
9.Forgotten Land - Moti Ragnorokum 07:49
10.Melankolia - Det Tod Woutans 06:59
11.Frostwork - Dunkelheit 07:34
12.Almófar - Han Som Reiste 05:48
13.Werther - Erblicket Die Töchter Des Firmaments 07:54
14.Soufferance - Hermoðr á Helferð 02:40
15.Garden of Grief - Glemselens Elv 11:53
16.Walden - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss 02:46
17.Nordfolc - Stemmen Fra Taarnet 06:53
18.Gorthorn - Illa Tithandi 09:22
19.Winternight - Balferd Baldrs 04:32
20.Alvheim - Et Hvitt Lys Over Skogen 09:13
21.Arboretus - A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit 06:14
22.Skygge - Lost Wisdom 04:37
23.Dysonsphere - Channelling The Power Of Soul Into A New God 03:27
24.Antecantamentum - My Journey to the Stars 07:39
25.Kzag Bhat - Feeble Screams From Forests Unknown 07:45
26.Wrapped in a Sheet - Ea, Lord of the Depths 05:35
27.Plaguewielder - Tomhet 14:43

"Forsvunnet Filosofem: A Tribute to Burzum Album" compilation was released digitaly via Mirkwood Productions BandCamp as a free download. The compilation will be released soon via Wodfreca Records , limited to 100 copies with brand new artwork by Richard Smythe designer of the Æþelruna logo, as well as the cover art for the forthcoming Wodfreca compilation 'Leoþhord I; Hwit Wyrm Ariseeþ ofer Angelcynne' (the digital release have different artwork)!

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