Imagine a stream of obscurity, a closed corridor of unbreathable air due to an oppressive atmosphere, a soulless void of despair and agony, an abominable vision of shapeless horrors and deepest terrors, as a web of rivers flowing into an estuary of unspeakable filth and smut. Backers of a multi layered death asphyxiating death metal, Corpsessed not only craft songs admitting their vast amount of influences which run between the shores of Finland's most growling and booming legends, the intensity and distorted massive sound of the Swedish school among hints of other deeds , but also a random yet consistent wall of doomy passages and abrasive grinding outbursts, poisoned with lacerating blast-beats echoes. Far away from being a senseless cut and paste hodgepodge, "The Dagger and the Chalice" is one of those exceptional rarities where polyglot metal of death serves its purpose without failing, betraying nor mocking the entity of such a style.
These will not ship until this Wednesday (Oct. 19th) but Dark Descent added them now because the European counterpart has them in stock now. Dark Descent didn't want anyone to feel they had to order from Europe or miss out.
COMPILATION OF DEATH ZINES are back in stock! Check out the list below -
Corpsessed - The Dagger and the Chalice LP (Black Vinyl)
Corpsessed - The Dagger and the Chalice LP (Gray Vinyl)
Compilation of Death zine #2 (two volumes)
Abiotx - Straight to Hell CD
Destruction - Invincible Invasion Live in Germany 1985 CD
Encoffination - Ritual Ascension Beyond Flesh CD (reissue w/ bonus tracks) (Restock)
Haveri - Into the Crypts of...CD (Restock)
Kerasphorus - Cloven Hooves at the Holocaust Dawn MCD (Restock)
Lord of Depression - Demo(n)s of Hell....ATTACK!!!! CD $9.00
Merciless - Live Fagersta + Demo Tapes 1987/88 CD (Restock)
Putrified - Spawn of the Dead CD (Restock)
Pyrrhon - An Excellent Servant But A Terrible Master CD
Rawhide - Plenty Ain't Enough CD (Restock)
Supplicium - The Pleasures of Immuted Doomed Zombies CD (Restock)
Squash Bowels - Tnyribal Digipak CD
Vanhelgd - Church of Death CD (Restock)
Antichrist - Sacrament of Blood LP
Fell Voices - Demo 2008 LP
Ignivomous / Tzun Tzu 7" split (Restock)
Luciation - Manifestation in Unholy Blackness LP w/patch
Miasmal - Miasmal LP (Restock)
Sacriphyx - Lone Pine 7" EP
Vanhelgd - Church of Death LP
Destruction - Invincible Invasion Live in Germany 1985 CD
Encoffination - Ritual Ascension Beyond Flesh CD (reissue w/ bonus tracks) (Restock)
Haveri - Into the Crypts of...CD (Restock)
Kerasphorus - Cloven Hooves at the Holocaust Dawn MCD (Restock)
Lord of Depression - Demo(n)s of Hell....ATTACK!!!! CD $9.00
Merciless - Live Fagersta + Demo Tapes 1987/88 CD (Restock)
Putrified - Spawn of the Dead CD (Restock)
Pyrrhon - An Excellent Servant But A Terrible Master CD
Rawhide - Plenty Ain't Enough CD (Restock)
Supplicium - The Pleasures of Immuted Doomed Zombies CD (Restock)
Squash Bowels - Tnyribal Digipak CD
Vanhelgd - Church of Death CD (Restock)
Antichrist - Sacrament of Blood LP
Fell Voices - Demo 2008 LP
Ignivomous / Tzun Tzu 7" split (Restock)
Luciation - Manifestation in Unholy Blackness LP w/patch
Miasmal - Miasmal LP (Restock)
Sacriphyx - Lone Pine 7" EP
Vanhelgd - Church of Death LP

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