Friday, July 19, 2013

Pussy Riot have new video and this time the oil oligarchs are the main target

Russian female punk band have aimed Putin and his allies in the state oil companies.

The Pussy Riot are back with a new video and a new song, this time denouncing Vladimir Putin as "an ayatollah in Iran", due to its links to a millionaire Russian energy sector.

Despite two elements of this collective female punk keep on in prison for having acted in an Orthodox Cathedral in Moscow last year, others have taken their place, always with the features colorful ski masks that cover their face. This time the act was filmed on top of oil facilities or natural gas, while the central workers with protective hats, look amazed and amused.

While playing the song, Like a Red Prison, Pussy Riot shoot the black liquid, which appears to be oil, against a poster with a photo of Igor Sechin, the boss of Rosneft, the boss of Rosneft, the bigger state oil and one near the President.

The goal, explains the band, is to draw attention to the practice of allowing Putin's closest allies share with each other the profits of Russian energy industry. Rosneft does not comment, says Reuters.

Russian oil revenues reached seven thousand billion [trillion] rubles [250 billion dollars] in 2012, "but only Putin and his friends see these 7000 billions", translates to Radio Free Europe.
Radio Liberty, funded by the United States, from the text of the video presentation.

By coincidence, says the New York Times, the video of Pussy Riot appeared on YouTube a day after having left another music video, called Oil, DJ Smash, which is a satire on the rise of wealth and ostentation of the nouveau riche Russians: beautiful women covered in fur and diamonds, drink beverages that are actually oil, bathing in pools of liquid black and slimy and dance alongside workers from oil rigs, even with work clothes and face covered with a substance oily.

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